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The vision we have for our students is to be different in a world that is trying to bunch everyone together. This goal is accomplished by Romans 12:11 which says, “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the spirit, serving the Lord.” We want two things for our students: 1.) Be Excited about Jesus; 2.)  Be Ready for Jesus. We try to lead our students in a way that excites them to know more about their Savior and at the same time prepare them for the day when they will meet Him face to face. As a Youth Pastor, this is my heart and passion so please check out the info below to find out how you can get involved in our Youth Ministry as a student or how you can serve in this ministry as an adult.

                                                                                                In Christ,
                                                                                                Pastor Jonathan



Opportunities for Students to LOVE, GROW, and SERVE:

Sunday Morning Gathering @ 9:45am
A place for our students to study and be taught the word of God in a small group environment where they will be challenged to grow in their faith. 

Worship On Wednesdays (W.O.W.) @ 7:00pm
We cover various topics, often dividing the guys and the girls so we can go more in depth and hold them accountable to God’s Word becoming active in their everyday lives! Refreshments follow our time of study!

Mission Trips
Each summer we take the teens on a mission trip either locally or out of state to where they can put the words of Christ into action! Jesus said, “I came not to be served but to serve” and we want our students to understand that life is not about them but about meeting the real needs in other people’s lives through the love of Christ! We also do other local mission projects throughout the year so that serving others always remains our DNA!

Teen Adventures
Throughout the year we take the students to concerts and other events just to get to know them better and show them that it’s okay to have fun, in fact, it’s okay to LOVE IT!!!


Opportunities for Adults to help our students LOVE, GROW, and SERVE:

We do numerous fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for our mission efforts and other activities. Adults are a vital part of the success of our fundraising efforts!

Adults provide the food/refreshments for the teens and kids on Wednesday Nights and there is always room for more volunteers to serve our students by helping in this ministry area!

Mission Trips
We often need adults to tag along on our trips to help ensure the safety and accountability of our students!

Small Groups
When we break up into small groups we can use adults to help facilitate the discussion and provide a positive Christ-like influence on our students!

Be sure to Email Pastor Jonathan if you are interested in joining our Student Ministry Team by helping our students LOVE, GROW, and SERVE!!!